Good as New Items Sales for Babies and Toddlers (Nov 29-30th, Dec 6-7th)

新?不如舊- BB二手用品大特賣  支持環保!

BB二手用品大特賣又嚟啦!所有玩具,圖書,嬰幼兒/媽咪衣物,用品,如奶泵,奶瓶消毒器,揹帶,汽車嬰兒座椅等一律超值出讓! 循環再用, 經濟又環保!
如果您都想為不再適用的小朋友物品找一個新的家, 歡迎加入我們!

Please come and pick up a bargain at our Good as New Items Sale for Babies and Toddlers . There will be lots of good as new items on sale including clothes, toys, books, bottle sterilizer, milk bump, baby carriers, car seat etc..
You are also welcome to join us for the sale if you want to find a new home for those items too good for the trash.

詳情查詢 For details: (T) 27912918 (E)